Sync Command

The sync command synchronizes your environments with their desired state by executing required actions to deploy the latest builds of your packages.


ocuroot sync [flags]


The sync command ensures that your environments are up-to-date with their desired state. It will:

  1. Check the current state of each environment
  2. Compare with the desired state
  3. Execute necessary actions to reach the desired state
  4. Deploy latest builds where needed


  • --environment: Filter specific environments to sync (can be specified multiple times)
  • --package: Filter specific packages to sync (can be specified multiple times)
  • --continuous: Run in continuous mode, watching for changes


# Sync all environments
ocuroot sync

# Sync specific environments
ocuroot sync --environment production --environment staging

# Sync specific packages
ocuroot sync --package frontend --package backend

# Run in continuous mode
ocuroot sync --continuous
  • deploy: Deploy a specific build to an environment
  • environment: Manage deployment environments
  • build: Build packages and return outputs