Destroy Command

The destroy command removes resources from a specified environment.


ocuroot destroy [flags]


The destroy command safely removes resources from your environments. It:

  1. Identifies resources to be removed
  2. Plans the removal sequence
  3. Executes the removal process
  4. Verifies successful cleanup


  • --environment: Specify the environment to destroy resources in
  • --package: Specify packages to destroy (can be specified multiple times)
  • --force: Skip confirmation prompts


# Destroy all resources in an environment
ocuroot destroy --environment staging

# Destroy specific packages in an environment
ocuroot destroy --environment staging --package frontend

# Force destroy without confirmation
ocuroot destroy --environment staging --force

Safety Considerations

  • The destroy command will prompt for confirmation by default
  • Use --force with caution as it skips confirmation
  • Consider taking backups before destroying production resources
  • deploy: Deploy resources to an environment
  • teardown: Remove an entire environment