Export Command

The export command allows you to export state or configuration data from your Ocuroot system.


ocuroot export [flags]


The export command creates a portable representation of your system’s state or configuration. This is useful for:

  • Backup purposes
  • Moving configuration between systems
  • Version control of system state
  • Debugging and troubleshooting


  • --format: Output format (e.g., JSON, YAML)
  • --output: Output file path


# Export to a file
ocuroot export --output state.json

# Export in specific format
ocuroot export --format yaml --output state.yaml

# Export to stdout
ocuroot export

Output Format

The exported data includes:

  • Environment configurations
  • Package definitions
  • Build histories
  • Deployment states
  • import: Import state or configuration
  • sync: Synchronize state with server